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Citizen Spritz is a new disruptive, democratic and down-to-earth entrant into the alcohol-free market, offering a range of uniquely simple-to-serve Instant Spritz Mixes for a premium quality, perfectly balanced and beautifully bittersweet fizz.

We caught up with Co-Founder Mike Bagshaw for an insight into the current trends that are driving growth.

Q1 Firstly how do you define Alcohol-Free?

Also widely referred to as No & Low, I think the industry in general would agree the category covers all drinks that come in at 0.5% ABV or less, and which consumers view as a replacement for Beers, Wines and Spirits in an on-trade setting.

Q2 Who is the No & Low Consumer?

Generally, they tend to be younger compared to total alcohol, often buying to consume less calories overall, and whilst taste is the number one driver, 3 out of 10 claim it benefits their physical health, and enhances their social reputation as it appears they’re holding a ‘drink’.

Q3 How big is the category and is it growing?

More than 20% of Brits now identify as non-drinkers and 10.6m consumers are actively avoiding alcohol according to a recent Kantar survey. Over the last 5 years the number of on-trade No & Low serves has increased fourfold and the 2023 vypr survey found that just over 56% of all alcohol drinkers buy alcohol-free versions of alcoholic drinks.

Q4 How well prepared is the industry?

Like most trends, there are a number of early adopters, but the majority of premises carry a very limited range. In our own research in February 2023, we found 50% of venues only stocked one non-alcoholic spirit, although 70% had at least one bottled beer, but with 1 in 3 pub visits now entirely alcohol-free, that’s a limited choice for 1/3 of consumers.

Q5 What is the opportunity for the on trade?

We believe there is a massive trade-up opportunity for venues, simply by carrying a wider range of No & Low, as excluding soft drinks, circa 33% of visitors are having to choose from around 5% of the products on offer, often opting for low value drinks, especially with food and during the daytime.

Q6 What are the plans for Citizen Spritz?

Whilst clearly, we’re on a journey with our brand, as we’re offering a unique, delicious and simple to serve Instant Spritz solution, we also want to play a role in building a dynamic category, sharing knowledge within the industry and encouraging stocking of a well curated selection of No & Low drinks.

Contact your Account Manager for more information on Citizen Spritz and our full range of low & no alcohol products.

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